High Potential Development Programs
“The future belongs to those who fuse intelligence with faith, and who, with courage and determination, grope their way forward from chance to choice, from blind adaptation to creative evolution.”
Charles E. Merriam (1876-1953)
Grow the business from within, with the best in the business: your people.
Sometimes they are called HIPO’s, HI-VAL’s, Fast-trackers, Critical Talent. But you know who they are. They are the future of the organization. Most growing companies have a spotlight on these folks because they represent the energy and longevity of of the business.
TTL offers development programs designed specifically for this unique audience.
Profiles/Assessments—strengths, opportunities, potential, style; self and multi-rater feedback instruments to anchor the development experiences.
Cohort Development Programs—including facilitated learning sessions, individual & team development projects, sponsor and mentor programs, individual coaching for cohort participants.
Networked & Social Learning Processes, program elements designed to fully leverage both peer and industry knowledge resources.
““We know from our benchmarking studies that high-potentials don’t fail because they lack ability,” says Jean Martin, executive director of the Corporate Leadership Council. “Most don’t succeed because they are not engaged and because the assignment they’re in is not what they want.””